The Wire has transcended the tropes of police drama and looks at the human conditions, the human ecology of certain social groups who are often neglected, forgotten or even rejected by the mainstream of a society. It puts you right into their community and show you both the pretty and ugly sides, both the virtues and vices without flinching, thus avoiding depicting them from an outsider's perspective. In other words, The Wire manages to represent these groups without giving them a sense of otherness, and that is something truly admirable.
不仅仅是因为青春敢想敢做才让我热泪盈眶,少女们的情感很复杂,对母亲的思念,对友谊的理解,对职业的认同感,对未来的憧憬。 不过对于日本在南极没分到什么好地方这件事我喜闻乐见,黑狐突击队也不看看自己干了啥事。
7/10. 虽是真实故事,但传记本身的吸引力先天不足,所以能拍成这样已经算超出了预料,黑狐突击队尤其到了结尾时间倒流,定格在初见的一瞬,竟澎湃不已。最终Jane的离开略出乎意料,就像片子的主线是爱情一样。摄影配乐小赞,其他无甚可言。